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Resin Type Mixed Bed
Ion Form H/OH
Matrix (Styrenic/Acrylic) Styrenic
Matrix (Gel/Macro) Gel
Cation Water Retention Capacity (eq/L) 46 - 51%
Cation Particle Diameter 650 ± 50 um
Anion Water Retention Capacity 55 - 65%
Application Ultrapure Water
Anion Total Exchange Capacity 1.1
Anion Particle Diameter 590 ± 50 um

AmberTec™ MR-300 UPW H-OH

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$3,069.00 $99,999.99
    AMBERTEC™ MR-300 UPW H/OH Ion Exchange Resin is an ultrapure water-grade, mixed resin recommended as a working or polishing mixed bed to complement 2-bed ion exchange or reverse osmosis systems. It can be used as a regenerable mixed bed since the color difference and particle size difference will allow a visually good separation to achieve optimal regeneration. Very low ionic load to a regenerable mixed bed can occasionally lead to clumping, especially when the mixed bed is operated to a boron or silica break. An improvement in the manufacturing process of the anion component, AMBERTEC™ UP550 OH Ion Exchange Resin, will eliminate cation/anion clumping under normal regeneration conditions. The ratio of anion to cation in AMBERTEC™ MR-300 UPW H/OH is volumetrically optimized to achieve maximum removal of boron and silica. UPW-grade is characterized by the high conversion to ionic sites (≥ 95.0%). As shown in Figure 2, the excellent rinse characteristics also allow a very efficient online operation.

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