Chromatographic Separation
Chromatographic separation is used to separate products with similar structures. DuPont™ AmberChrom™ Chromatography Resins are available in a range of options that allow end-users to design adsorption and desorption profiles for optimized capacity and selectivity.

Fermentations and plant/animal extracts yield dilution solutions that need to be concentrated. DuPont resins can be operated in a bind/elute mode to combine purification and product concentration into a single operation.

pH Adjustment
Drug and plant/animal extraction processes often need to undergo pH changes for effective manufacturing control. Counterions on anion or cation exchange resins can exchange with bulk salts to buffer or alter pH without salt additions.

Salt removal is critical in many biopharma applications after an ion exchange process. DuPont™ AmberChrom™ Ion Exchange Resins can remove buffers and other salt impurities from a wide variety of product streams with faster kinetics than standard-sized ion exchange resins.